Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Clear Water Bay House

Ryan’s been spending a lot of time at the big house on Clear Water Bay where Lily & Kevin are staying. I don’t go as much because I work more hours than he does. It’s also kind of difficult to get to. Getting from our apartment to work is a quick bus ride to the orange line and then a transfer at Sunny Bay to the Disney line. You can also take the red line to Lai King and transfer to the orange line, but that takes a little longer. The fastest way to get to the big house from Disneyland is to take the orange line all the way to Central, transfer to the blue line, transfer to the purple line at North Point or Quarry Bay and take the purple line all the way to Po Lam. From there you take a taxi to the house. The bus lines don’t go close enough. Most of the people who live there probably have cars.

Since Lily works as much as I do and it would take her forever to get to and from work, she’s been staying at our apartment. Kevin mostly works at an office building in Wan Chai, which is pretty easy to get to from the big house. Ryan & Kevin don’t go to Disneyland as much, so they’re mostly staying at the big house. No one is currently staying at Lily & Kevin’s apartment. Lily easily could, but then she and I would be living alone, more or less. She could easily handle that, but I need roommates. I hate coming home to an empty house, and worse, knowing it will stay empty all night.

It’s been kind of weird not really living with Ryan. We’ve been living together since high school and this is the most time we’ve spent apart in Hong Kong. It’s also been really fun living with another girl. Men serve a definite purpose, but Lily and I can do things together that would bore Ryan to tears, like sitting around in flimsy lingerie and throwing pillows at each other.

Maybe not, but that brings up an interesting question. Where did the idea that girls have pillow fights come from? It must have been from a bad movie. I’ve never known anyone in the real world who ever did such a thing. Why would you want to destroy your pillows anyway? Pillows are a good thing. Sitting around in underwear is a horse of a different color. If Ryan could see Lily in our apartment, his little head would explode.

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