Sunday, June 2, 2013

Back to Work

I went back to work for the first time since the accident. Everyone was happy to see me and they even gave me a welcome back cake. It was very sweet. The gesture, not the cake. Chinese cakes are not all that sweet.

Someone, not at work, asked me why I had to take any time off at all. You can dance with a broken hand, right? Well, no. Not really. Your feet support all your weight and do most of the work, but your hands are almost as important in dancing. Unless you're doing one of those Irish step dances.

They also have this funny rule that maybe Snow White shouldn't be wandering around the park with a cast on her hand. I can imagine how people might react when they see me signing her autographs.

“What happened to your hand?”

“Oh, it's nothing. You should see Queen Grimhilde.”


  1. Haha. I heard Hong Kong work culture is pretty crazy, I guess this confirms it!

    Do you get to switch roles or are you always Snow White? Any opportunity to do something else that doesn't stress your injuries?

  2. Great that you're back! Snow White with a cast would be different!

  3. Does it get lonely there? Would this cheer you up?

  4. Anonymous, I'm sometimes what they call a character performer and face character - usually Belle & Snow White. Most of the time I'm dancing.

  5. Anonymous, Hong Kong is the hardest place in the world to get lonely. There are people everywhere.

  6. Heres another

  7. this is me ur "biggest" fan


No hate, please. There's enough of that in the world already.