Saturday, July 30, 2016

Unconventional 2016

I watched a tiny patch of the Republican convention and even less of the Democratic convention. I don't see why these conventions have to spread out over a few days. They used to pick their candidates at the convention, but now we all know who it is going to be long before anyone breaks out the balloons and straw hats. Today's conventions are little more than pep rallies to stroke egos. This may be an unusual election, but I care about it less than usual.

Republicans will say I should care because if Clinton is elected, the country will fall apart, the terrorists will take over and the ground will open up and swallow the United States in a biblical rage.

Democrats will say I should care because if Trump is elected, he will declare himself dictator, outlaw every religion and race and turn the country into a police state.

I doubt either will happen. Clinton would most likely be a standard Democratic president. The economy will improve slightly while Republicans fight her every step of the way, calling her the worst president in the history of the world. In the end, she will be neither best nor worst. Unless some extraordinary event challenges her and she either rises or falls. Lincoln would not be considered great without the Civil War, just as Hoover would not be a failure without the Great Depression. Neither president caused those events, but how they reacted determined how history remembers them. Then again, Hillary Clinton has a vagina, so any speculation about her presidency is purely academic. I would bet big money she does not win.

I don't know what kind of president Trump would be, but that is only because he is not really a Republican and the only time he tells us what he would do, it is something unconstitutional or well beyond the president's authority. The Great Wall of Mexico and deporting Muslims is never going to happen. He says horribly racist things and wants people to believe that he is dangerous, but when you look beyond the show, he has never said or done anything original. His ranting and raving is simply white noise. Unfortunately, I think he stands a pretty good chance of winning. Not because he has anything to offer, but because he has absolutely nothing to offer. Americans are very grumpy right now, and grumpy old grampa Trump is the kind of person they can look to for some good old fashioned nonsense. With any luck, he will surround himself with people who are far more experienced and they can determine policy while he whines on Twitter. But I think he will more likely pick corporate executives who fail quickly, and his administration will have a high turnover rate.

This two-year election will be over in a few months and CNN can get back to endless stories about Syria. One of the greatest things about living outside of the United States is that I don't have to see any campaign commercials, but CNN has been reporting every single thing that comes out of Trump's mouth for the last year and a half. No matter what happens on election night, at least that will stop.

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