Ryan reminded me about our little threeway talk last week. I was mostly asleep when it happened so I really didn’t remember much. This time he caught me while I was wide awake.
I could tell he’s been thinking about it for a while because he came prepared. He anticipated what I was going to say and had the answers already worked out in his head.
When I said that we are in a committed relationship, he said it would only strengthen our bond. When I pointed out that he doesn’t like to share, he said this would be different since it’s what he really, really, extra super really wants to do. When I brought up the whole jealously thing, he said he’d work extra hard to make sure I know that I’m more important to him. But when I pointed out that he might get jealous, he wasn’t sure how to react. This brought up the biggest problem.
Ryan is a guy. Like all guys, he wants to have sex with two girls at the same time. I’m a non-lesbian girl. I’m not interested in having sex with another girl. Of course, Ryan is fundamentally against two guys & one girl. The more I mentioned 2M/1F, the hotter it sounded – and the more annoyed Ryan got. He’s old fashioned. He likes his threeways the traditional 1M/2F. This would mean he gets to have sex with two girls while we only have sex with him. I don’t see myself going down on a girl any time soon. At least with two guys, everyone’s paying attention to me. It’s still unfair since there’s no way in hell Ryan’s doing another guy, but at least it skewers toward me.
So now we’re at a threeway impasse. It’s still his lifelong dream, as of a couple weeks ago, but now he’s not sure how to make it a reality.