I took Ryan’s mom & sister up to the Peak yesterday. Before they came to Hong Kong they read that the best views of Hong Kong are from Victoria Peak. Sometimes that’s true. Sometimes you can’t see anything with all the smog an clouds. Yesterday was a pretty clear day.
It’s still supposed to be typhoon season, but the weather was on our side. When we were on top of the tower there were a bunch of Chinese people wearing sweaters and jackets. It wasn’t cold at all, but it’s September, so you see people wearing light jackets a lot. It was a little windy on the tower, but we’re from Minnesota. A Hong Kong gale would be a light breeze to us.
Taking the tram up the Peak really made me feel like a local. All the tourists were taking pictures during the tram ride while I sat back, knowing the views would be a million times better at the top. The first time I rode the tram I was taking pictures just like everyone else. Now it’s like riding the bus. Seen it, done it.
Ryan’s mom wanted to see the longest escalator in the world – the Mid-levels one. I told her it’s really several different escalators all lined up and each one isn’t very long, but she read about it and wanted to see it. So we went up the escalators. Nobody was impressed. While we were in the neighborhood, we had lunch at IFC.
We spent the rest of the afternoon shopping at Causeway Bay.
Victoria Harbour from the Peak in March
The same view in September
IFC is dead center