Thursday, June 29, 2017

Hailey's Novel Diary – 6/29/17

One of the characters has to go to Rome. I tried to avoid it, but it's inevitable. The more I want to keep everything in Los Angeles, the more everyone travels around.

I have been to Rome, but I don't want to get into any detailed descriptions of the city. This is not a travel guide.

Then I found out where Bernardo Bertolucci lives. It's kind of scary how easy it was to find. Hopefully, that is a former house and he moved. We don't have to go to his house, and I would never give the address, whether he still lives there or not, but I like the neighborhood. It's a pretty good place to live, which makes sense.

Knowing all of this, and being a firm believer in privacy, I mapped out a route in my head from the Palazzo Navona Hotel to his house. Then I checked a map to see how accurate I was. As it turns out, I made a few serious bad turns along the way. So I might keep my route. If anyone actually follows it, they will never get to his house. The streets and sights are real, but they don't lead to Bertolucci.

Not that it really matters, but I chose the Palazzo Navona Hotel at random. I have never been there, but it is in a great location.

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