Friday, March 11, 2011

Hong Kong Internet

I can go online anytime I want now. The internet guy came to our apartment today to hook up the internet. He had to turn something on outside the apartment and then make sure our computers were hooked up inside. It definitely wasn’t the way we do it at home.

I didn’t really like that some stranger was in the apartment while Ryan was at work – and I really didn’t like the fact that he couldn’t speak any English. He kept asking me all kinds of questions in Chinese, but I didn’t know what he was talking about. Even after it should have been obvious that I don’t know Chinese, he just kept asking me questions.

He played with both of our computers for a while and put in a CD that he brought. That made me uncomfortable since I didn’t know what he was doing. He could have easily given us a virus and I would never know. Then he went to some Chinese website and put in some passwords. I didn’t know what any of it was about, but I was happy when I saw that he got online.

While he was playing with my computer, he leaned his butt against the wall – and left a greasy stain. It was so gross. It washed off pretty easily, but still. His pants – the outside of his pants – were greasy enough to leave a stain on the wall just because he touched it.

Despite all that, I’m now online. No more internet cafes for me. Yay. I was getting tired of them. Most people just play video games and read comic books and don’t even use the internet. Now I can do my e-mail and figure out what’s going on at home. I can also post pictures on this blog. Maybe I’ll do that next time.


  1. Hello Hailey , I got ur blog link on expat blog forum.

    The cafe internet at my place also like what you told here. People glue to the screen with game online. When they loose or win the game, they become crazy and so noisy. Here, theres many affordable usb modem for internet connection that you can instal to pc yourself. Its good that now you have internet connection tho. Happy blogging!I enjoyed my visit and those pictures you taken and I can learn about Hongkong from your story. Thank you for sharing!^^

  2. They take their gaming very seriously at the internet cafe. I've never been inside one without hearing loud explosions and mythical creatures - and I just want to check e-mail.


No hate, please. There's enough of that in the world already.