Monday, April 22, 2013

No Comment

People are weird.

For two and a half years, my blog was wide open to anyone and everyone. Anybody could read it and leave a comment without having to type in a secret code or wait for me to approve anything. Now because of just two people, that's all changed. Comments are now moderated.

I seem to have offended someone when I said bad things about terrorists. A very hateful comment was left on my blog. They were even more offended that I deleted it. Then came a flood of pure hate and hostility, in comment form. I've never said a single word to these people. I've never done anything to fuel their anger, except for saying that terrorists are bad people and deleting all of the hate speech and bullying comments. During this string of hate, one of them wrote “get a life” in response to all the comments I was deleting. I thought that was kind of funny. I almost didn't delete that one, but it's not as funny without the context of all that hateful ranting and raving.

I don't know what set them off. It can't just be because I don't like terrorists. Is anyone pro-terrorist? Is it really controversial to say that terrorists are assholes? Either these two people are playing a game I'm not interested in or they have a psychological condition I'm not licensed to treat. I sincerely hope they get whatever help they need. I also reserve the right to delete any and all comments as I see fit. This is my blog. No one is forced to leave comments here, or even read it. If you think my deletion of your comment infringes on your freedom of speech, feel free to contact your congressman and tell them the United States government is violating your First Amendment rights because some stranger in China deleted a blog comment. See how well that plays.

I'll never delete a comment just because I disagree with an opinion. But I will always delete hate speech, threats of violence and bullying. You're going to break into my house and stab me while I'm sleeping? First of all, no, you're not. Unless you're a 10-year-old, that's just stupid. Second of all, delete.

I probably don't care about your political opinions, and if you genuinely feel the world needs to know every talking point that you copy and paste from your favorite partisan websites, there are a million other places to post that. You can even start your own blog and post whatever the hell you want. In the meantime, hate is not welcome here.

And to reiterate, terrorists are asshole.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think they were terrorists. More likely just people who don't really know English that well and misunderstood what I said.

    I didn't say much in my post about the terrorists because we didn't know who did it at the time.


No hate, please. There's enough of that in the world already.