Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Paris Diary part 16

Day 18
18°, sunny.

While I was at work, Lily had her own day to wander around, and our roommate went shopping.

While Lily & I were relaxing on our rooftop terrace, our roommate provided some of her own drama. She sliced her finger open in the kitchen and we took her to the nearest hospital, which was conveniently only four minutes away on Île de la Cité.

After paying less than 7 euros for a week's worth of pain medication, we all walked back to the apartment together. Our insurance covered the emergency room visit, and we learned later that we could have called an ambulance for free and they would have fully treated her at the apartment since it was not exactly brain surgery. She could have picked up her medication at her convenience. But walking to the hospital was still faster.

Day 19
18°, sunny.

Nothing special happened on this day. It was mostly just work.

We went to Île aux Cygnes after work and saw the tiny Statue de la Liberté. Having now seen the versions in New York, Las Vegas, Tokyo, Duluth and Paris, I can safely say the New York statue is the best.

The island also has the elaborate Pont de Bir-Hakeim with the raised metro level where line 6 crosses the Seine and gives riders a postcard view of the Eiffel Tower.

We spent the end of the day on the apartment's rooftop terrace watching the city get darker while all the lights turned on.

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