Lily is back in Hong Kong. She does not have a job, which means she does not have a visa to live here, but we are all just glad to have her back.
Canadians can stay in Hong Kong for 90 days without a visa. If she still does not have a job by the end of those 90 days, she will have to leave. The good news is that she can go to Macau or Japan or somewhere close and just turn around and come back. The bad news is that doing that every 90 days gets expensive after a while. And there is never any guarantee that they will let you back in. I have met people who live in Hong Kong and go on visa runs every 60 to 90 days. One of them has a visa for Mainland China, so he has it easy, but for everyone else, it gets pretty ridiculous. It is so much easier to just live here legally.
Unless you are British. They can stay for 6 months without a visa. Two visa runs a year would not be so bad at all. I usually leave town more than twice a year anyway.
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