I was originally supposed to go to Jerusalem for the big premiere, which I did, but I also went to Tel Aviv for some rehearsals.
The Jerusalem premiere was just like a big studio Hollywood premiere in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater. Except there were far fewer people, no searchlights, not nearly as many flashing paparazzi lights and the theater looked like a normal building. Israel does not seem to have the paparazzi problem of the United States. They exist, and a couple of the people involved in this movie are well known to the Israeli public, but I never noticed any photographers hell bent on getting the perfect shot at all costs.
There was a red carpet, for some reason, but no giant mob of screaming fans. There were fans, but it was nothing like The Beatles landing at JFK. It was more like a James Taylor concert at the LDS Conference Center in Salt Lake City. Either way, no one was there to see me. Most people probably thought I was someone's guest or personal assistant.
The movie itself was amazing. I can say that without sounding like I'm bragging because I am barely in it. A team of professional artists and filmmakers are responsible for everything good about this movie. Most of it is in Hebrew, and there were no English subtitles at the premiere, but I knew what was going on because I had an English version of the script.
And that is the saddest part about this entire experience. Most of the world will never see this movie because it is not in English. Non-English speaking countries put subtitles on English language movies all the time. Most of the world is used to subtitled movies. In places like China, everything is subtitled, even if the movie is in Chinese. But most of the world only wants to see movies that are either in their language or in English with subtitles in their language. That's a shame. One of the best movies I have ever seen was about the effects of Mao's Cultural Revolution on children. It is a Chinese movie about China, so it is in Chinese. It never played in any American theaters. It was a hit in China, but I don't know if it ever went to any other country.
After my five minutes as a movie star in Jerusalem, I went to Tel Aviv. I will be in a show opening in November, so I went to a few rehearsals. I have every intention of going back for more rehearsals, but it's not like I can be there every day. It is also not like I need to. The rehearsal schedule is pretty open. One of the greatest things about working with people who know their job is that everyone gets on the same page fairly easily. In high school, it took a full semester just to work out a simple sequence. In the world of professional adults, we will be ready for curtain in ten weeks.
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