Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Hailey's Novel Diary – 4/12/17

Shopping malls are also a big thing in Southern California. I'm from Minnesota. I know a thing or two about malls. I grew up next to the oldest indoor mall in the country and the largest mall in North America. But Southern California has to be the suburban shopping mall capital of the world. They don't have the largest or smallest, oldest or newest, but the San Fernando Valley alone has at least a dozen full scale shopping malls, with another 20-30 in and around Los Angeles. You never have to drive more than 30 minutes to get to a mall.

For the record, I'm mostly looking at the Northridge Fashion Center in Northridge, which is right in the middle of some of the freeways that frame the San Fernando Valley.

Northridge Fashion Center

Beverly Center

Hollywood & Highland


  1. Isnt the biggest mall in Canada?

  2. The West Edmonton Mall is considered the largest mall in North America, but only because the amusement park in the middle of Mall of America is never included in figures, even though the amusement park in West Edmonton is always included. If Mall of America's amusement park is included, Mall of America is the largest mall outside of Asia.


No hate, please. There's enough of that in the world already.