Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Festive Lanterns

I never went out on March 2nd, the actual day of the Lantern Festival, but I braved the crowds the day before and looked around some of the preview areas.

There were a lot of Snoopy lanterns, partly because copyright and trademark laws mean nothing around here and partly because this is the year of the dog.

Snow White and the Seven Anthropomorphic Woodland Animals.

This was labeled as Cinderella's horse, but I always thought her Fairy Godmother turned several mice into horses and her actual horse into the stagecoach driver.

Avatar might not seem like it has anything to do with ancient Chinese history, but the computer animation used Chinese locations for some of the landscape images and China has always had dragons.

Another Snoopy. This one was decorated by the designer of a little girl's bedroom in the 1970s, apparently.

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