Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Bill Withers

Bill Withers was a songwriter, guitarist, pianist and sometime drummer. Above all that, he was one of my favorite singers. His songs went anywhere from the top of the charts to completely ignored, but he sang every single one of them with style and dignity. Even the most jaded critics can never accuse him of selling out.

The worst thing about his career was that he was the opposite of prolific, only releasing 8 albums between 1971 and 1985. Fed up with record company executives, he retired and recorded absolutely nothing for the last 35 years of his life. He could have sold his soul to sell more records, but he chose integrity. We have less music from him, but it is all quality over quantity.

When I wake up in the morning, love
And the sunlight hurts my eyes
And something without warning, love
Bears heavy on my mind

Then I look at you
And the world's all right with me
Just one look at you
And I know it's going to be
A lovely day

When the day that lies ahead of me
Seems impossible to face
When someone else instead of me
Always seems to know the way

Then I look at you
And the world's all right with me
Just one look at you
And I know it's going to be
A lovely day

When the day that lies ahead of me
Seems impossible to face
When someone else instead of me
Always seems to know the way

Then I look at you
And the world's all right with me
Just one look at you
And I know it's going to be
A lovely day

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