Remember that audition I had a few weeks ago? I got the part. Yay. I thought I wasn’t going to get it since they took so long to tell me. I guess better late than never, especially if it’s good news.
I’m pretty excited. I’ve been on a few auditions in Hong Kong and I was starting to think something was wrong. They always seemed interested and then nothing. Like maybe their English wasn’t as good as I thought or something was getting lost in translation.
That’s just how it works. You have to hear a lot of no before you hear yes.
It’s a small part. I’ll only be on set for one day, but it’s a real movie with a real company. They work with all the biggest stars in Hong Kong.
They want me to be available after my day on set for any reshoots that might come up and because stuff happens. It might take longer than one day, but they don’t think it will. I can easily take a day off work, and if they surprise me with another day without much notice, I can always trade with someone or call in sick.
I’m going to be in a real movie that people will actually see. I won’t be onscreen very long, but it’s something. It could easily lead to bigger and better things.
I'm Hailey and this is my blog. Do blogs still exist? Let me check MySpace later. I'm an American dancer/musician living in Taiwan and Hong Kong. This is where I ramble on about whatever I might want to remember in twenty years.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Living with Lily part 5
Sometimes living with two other people in a tiny apartment has its share of problems. There’s never enough privacy for everyone. When it was just Ryan & me, we didn’t really worry about privacy. He’s seen every inch of me naked and I don’t mind him getting up close and personal. As long as he gives me privacy in the bathroom, I’m good.
It’s a little different with my best friend and her boyfriend. We try to respect each other’s boundaries, but we inevitably intrude on each other’s personal space now and then. I walked in on Kevin while he was peeing last week. Lily’s walked in on me in the shower more than a few times. Kevin’s walked in on Lily in the shower. Then they were both in there for a long time. I can only guess what they were doing.
Today was the worst one. Kevin came into the bedroom while I was masturbating. No one was home when I started and he didn’t know anyone was home when he walked in. I’m still embarrassed.
I’m not embarrassed or ashamed to say I masturbate. That’s totally normal. Especially when your boyfriend lives in another country and you haven’t had sex in two endless months. That’s an eternity for us. I’m going to see him soon and I’m sure we’ll go at it like tribbles, but in the meantime, I’ll just have to satisfy myself.
I try to do it when no one else is home. Sometimes a ménage à moi right before bed is a nice way to end the day. Lily & Kevin might be around, but they’re in the other room asleep, or too otherwise occupied to pay the least attention to anything in the living room. I can often hear them having sex. That’s just worse because it reminds me what I’m missing. I’m happy for them, but I’m jealous for me.
I used to do it in the shower. We have a hand held shower head that’s great for reaching all the hard to reach places. But now with Lily & Kevin around, I’m never sure if someone’s going to burst into the bathroom while I’m enjoying myself.
The bedroom when no one is home is always a safe bet, until now. When Kevin walked in, he scared the hockey sticks out of me. I covered myself with the sheets as fast as I could and I really don’t know how much he saw, but I was beyond mortified. Even if he didn’t see anything, and let’s say he didn’t, he knows what I was doing. I was wearing a t-shirt, but otherwise naked and lying on the bed.
At least he apologized and closed the door. When I walked in on him peeing, I just stood there and stared. Now I’m wondering if he walked in on me as payback. That’s always a possibility. But then my life is a Friends episode. Who needs that.
I guess I should talk to Lily about it. How do you start that conversation? “So, your boyfriend saw me stirring the honey pot…”
It’s a little different with my best friend and her boyfriend. We try to respect each other’s boundaries, but we inevitably intrude on each other’s personal space now and then. I walked in on Kevin while he was peeing last week. Lily’s walked in on me in the shower more than a few times. Kevin’s walked in on Lily in the shower. Then they were both in there for a long time. I can only guess what they were doing.
Today was the worst one. Kevin came into the bedroom while I was masturbating. No one was home when I started and he didn’t know anyone was home when he walked in. I’m still embarrassed.
I’m not embarrassed or ashamed to say I masturbate. That’s totally normal. Especially when your boyfriend lives in another country and you haven’t had sex in two endless months. That’s an eternity for us. I’m going to see him soon and I’m sure we’ll go at it like tribbles, but in the meantime, I’ll just have to satisfy myself.
I try to do it when no one else is home. Sometimes a ménage à moi right before bed is a nice way to end the day. Lily & Kevin might be around, but they’re in the other room asleep, or too otherwise occupied to pay the least attention to anything in the living room. I can often hear them having sex. That’s just worse because it reminds me what I’m missing. I’m happy for them, but I’m jealous for me.
I used to do it in the shower. We have a hand held shower head that’s great for reaching all the hard to reach places. But now with Lily & Kevin around, I’m never sure if someone’s going to burst into the bathroom while I’m enjoying myself.
The bedroom when no one is home is always a safe bet, until now. When Kevin walked in, he scared the hockey sticks out of me. I covered myself with the sheets as fast as I could and I really don’t know how much he saw, but I was beyond mortified. Even if he didn’t see anything, and let’s say he didn’t, he knows what I was doing. I was wearing a t-shirt, but otherwise naked and lying on the bed.
At least he apologized and closed the door. When I walked in on him peeing, I just stood there and stared. Now I’m wondering if he walked in on me as payback. That’s always a possibility. But then my life is a Friends episode. Who needs that.
I guess I should talk to Lily about it. How do you start that conversation? “So, your boyfriend saw me stirring the honey pot…”
Thursday, October 25, 2012
My China Trip part 2
I went to the visa office Monday and picked up my visa to China. It’s a good thing I didn’t apply for it a day later because they were closed Tuesday. I wanted a one year multiple entry visa, but they only gave me a 6 month double entry. That’s standard for first timers, from what I hear. At least if you’re American. The next time I apply for a visa, they might give me something higher. If they want to. The price is the same for Americans no matter what they give you, so I assume they want us to apply as many times as possible so they can get more money. A lot of people in this chunk of the world seem to think all Americans are rich.
Now I just need to book a flight to Fuzhou and I can finally see my boyfriend in the flesh. I’m pretty excited about it. I’m going to get laid. That’s not just me being presumptuous. He’s a sure thing.
Now I just need to book a flight to Fuzhou and I can finally see my boyfriend in the flesh. I’m pretty excited about it. I’m going to get laid. That’s not just me being presumptuous. He’s a sure thing.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Living with Lily part 4
It’s been a bit of an adjustment with three of us living in my tiny apartment. We all got used to the big house over the summer and all that extra space. There was enough room there for a dozen people. My apartment can comfortably house maybe one person, or more like half a person.
Sometimes Kevin stays at his apartment, so it’s not like there are always three people. Sometimes it’s just Lily & me. Sometimes it’s just me.
Yesterday I came home from work and went straight to the bathroom, because I really had to. The public bathrooms at the MTR stations aren’t the cleanest in the world and it can take a while to make it home. By the time I get off the MTR, I might as well wait until I’m home. If I can. The public options aren’t so great in my neighborhood.
When you walk in the front door to my tiny apartment, you have to turn past the bedroom and make another turn to enter the bathroom. There’s no clear line of sight from anywhere except right in front of the bathroom. Maybe that’s why I didn’t notice Kevin standing in front of the toilet until I was standing at the bathroom door. I don’t know why he had the door open. When you live with two other people, maybe close the bathroom door from time to time. I guess he got too used to all that privacy in the big house.
I know I should’ve walked away as soon as I saw him there, or at least closed the door, but for some reason I just stood there and stared at his dick. His clothes were blocking most of it, but I could see enough to know that it’s been entirely too long since I’ve seen one of those things. I pretty much ignored the fact that a yellow stream was coming out of him and just focused on his circumcised head.
I don’t doubt that I stared because I haven’t seen Ryan in person in what certainly has to be 87 years, but I still think it was beautiful. Not all dicks are created equal. Or equally. Both apply in this case. Some look far better than others. Kevin is blessed with a really nice looking dick. I doubt he would mind my saying so. I don’t think Lily knows how lucky she is.
I bet Kevin does, though.
Sometimes Kevin stays at his apartment, so it’s not like there are always three people. Sometimes it’s just Lily & me. Sometimes it’s just me.
Yesterday I came home from work and went straight to the bathroom, because I really had to. The public bathrooms at the MTR stations aren’t the cleanest in the world and it can take a while to make it home. By the time I get off the MTR, I might as well wait until I’m home. If I can. The public options aren’t so great in my neighborhood.
When you walk in the front door to my tiny apartment, you have to turn past the bedroom and make another turn to enter the bathroom. There’s no clear line of sight from anywhere except right in front of the bathroom. Maybe that’s why I didn’t notice Kevin standing in front of the toilet until I was standing at the bathroom door. I don’t know why he had the door open. When you live with two other people, maybe close the bathroom door from time to time. I guess he got too used to all that privacy in the big house.
I know I should’ve walked away as soon as I saw him there, or at least closed the door, but for some reason I just stood there and stared at his dick. His clothes were blocking most of it, but I could see enough to know that it’s been entirely too long since I’ve seen one of those things. I pretty much ignored the fact that a yellow stream was coming out of him and just focused on his circumcised head.
I don’t doubt that I stared because I haven’t seen Ryan in person in what certainly has to be 87 years, but I still think it was beautiful. Not all dicks are created equal. Or equally. Both apply in this case. Some look far better than others. Kevin is blessed with a really nice looking dick. I doubt he would mind my saying so. I don’t think Lily knows how lucky she is.
I bet Kevin does, though.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
My China Trip part 1
I went to the visa office Wednesday to get a visa for Mainland China. I’ve had about enough of never seeing Ryan in person. Even though he doesn’t work long hours, he never has more than a whole day off, so it just makes more sense for me to go see him than for him to come see me. He doesn’t need a visa to come to Hong Kong. Americans can stay for 90 days without a visa, but it’s much easier for me to take time off work. If he takes a few days off, his whole band takes those days off. None of them get paid for that time. If I take a few days off, it doesn’t affect anyone’s paycheck except mine. Besides, he’s seen Hong Kong and isn’t all that impressed. I’ve never seen Fuzhou.
I went with Ryan when he got his visa, so I generally knew what to expect. It’s a good thing I did because the official visa office website still says that the office is on the seventh floor of the China Resources Building on Harbour Road when it’s really around the corner on Fleming Road.
The first time I went to the visa office, I went straight through security at the front of the building and upstairs to the office. This time, there was a long line just to get in the front door. Maybe Wednesday is a more popular time to go than Monday. I would think Monday is better since you can pick it up Thursday, but if you go on Wednesday, you have to wait until the next week to pick it up.
Past security and up the elevator, it was just as crowded in the office. At least it seemed crowded. It’s hard to tell which time is more crowded when there are a million people.
Since I already knew how to fill out the forms, I already had everything ready to go. It’s a pretty easy procedure once you’ve already done it. I didn’t need as much paperwork as Ryan since I was getting a regular tourist visa and he got a work visa. They want a lot more information if you want a work visa. They seem pretty casual about tourist visas, even though they don’t exactly have that reputation.
The hardest part about the whole thing was waiting for my turn. They used to just give you a number and you had to wait your turn, but now they tell you how many people are ahead of you. My ticket read, “A076 There have 42 Person”. There were over 100 people ahead of us when we got Ryan’s visa, but it seemed just as crowded both times.
The part I don’t like is that it costs HK$1,100 no matter what type of visa they give you. I checked one year multiple entry since that’s the maximum, but they can give me a 30 day single entry, 60 day multiple entry, or whatever type they want no matter how much I paid.
Tomorrow I’ll go back and see what I got.
I went with Ryan when he got his visa, so I generally knew what to expect. It’s a good thing I did because the official visa office website still says that the office is on the seventh floor of the China Resources Building on Harbour Road when it’s really around the corner on Fleming Road.
The first time I went to the visa office, I went straight through security at the front of the building and upstairs to the office. This time, there was a long line just to get in the front door. Maybe Wednesday is a more popular time to go than Monday. I would think Monday is better since you can pick it up Thursday, but if you go on Wednesday, you have to wait until the next week to pick it up.
Past security and up the elevator, it was just as crowded in the office. At least it seemed crowded. It’s hard to tell which time is more crowded when there are a million people.
Since I already knew how to fill out the forms, I already had everything ready to go. It’s a pretty easy procedure once you’ve already done it. I didn’t need as much paperwork as Ryan since I was getting a regular tourist visa and he got a work visa. They want a lot more information if you want a work visa. They seem pretty casual about tourist visas, even though they don’t exactly have that reputation.
The hardest part about the whole thing was waiting for my turn. They used to just give you a number and you had to wait your turn, but now they tell you how many people are ahead of you. My ticket read, “A076 There have 42 Person”. There were over 100 people ahead of us when we got Ryan’s visa, but it seemed just as crowded both times.
The part I don’t like is that it costs HK$1,100 no matter what type of visa they give you. I checked one year multiple entry since that’s the maximum, but they can give me a 30 day single entry, 60 day multiple entry, or whatever type they want no matter how much I paid.
Tomorrow I’ll go back and see what I got.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Nude Beach Day II part 4
Nude Beach Day II Part 1
Nude Beach Day II Part 2
Nude Beach Day II Part 3
I don’t know much about lesbians and even less about discrimination and equality laws in Hong Kong. I know that discrimination against people who aren’t Chinese is legal, or at least widely accepted. I know that it was illegal to be a gay man in Hong Kong until just recently, but being lesbian was never illegal. Gay marriage is still illegal, and if you’re gay in Hong Kong, you probably don’t tell many people. I know a few guys who are probably gay, but they’ve never felt the need to confirm or deny anything, at least to me. I’ve never heard about any violence against the gay community. People in Hong Kong aren’t the violent type. Being gay is mostly frowned upon.
It probably takes a lot of balls to join a gay organization and march in parades. The lesbians at the beach were taking a big risk. Not only were they announcing that they were gay, but they were doing it at a nude beach, which is almost definitely illegal in Hong Kong. There was a mix of Chinese and white people. I assume most of them were foreigners. There was even a black girl. It must be exceptionally hard to be a black lesbian in Hong Kong. The average Chinese person points at me and stares because I don’t look or act Chinese. If you’re a black lesbian, you make me seem like a local.
Once we realized that we were in the middle of a lesbian field trip, I started to get offended by the girl who was hitting on Lily. How did she know we weren’t a couple? We were obviously there together and if she assumed we were lesbians, why not assume we were a couple? And why hit on just Lily and not me? Would Lily make a better lesbian life partner? Probably. But that girl had no way of knowing that.
Once we realized where we were, it was more obvious that a lot of the casual conversations we were having was flirting and girls hitting on us. We didn’t see it at first because it never crossed our minds. When a guy I don’t know comes up to me and starts small talk, I generally assume he’s hitting on me. It’s not ego. It’s just the law of averages. When a girl does it, I assume she’s just making small talk. I’ve always known I could be wrong about the guys. There might be one or two misfits out there who don’t want me. But now it turns out I was wrong about the girls.
One hairy girl came up to us and stood with one of her feet on a basket the way a guy would, trying to give us a clear view of her crotch, just the way a guy would. When I say she was hairy, I don’t just mean her big afro bush. It looked like a razor had never touched her skin. She looked down at us and said, “Yeah, smooth. Just the way I like it.” I didn’t say anything, but I thought if she likes it smooth, why not shell out a couple bucks and get a Gillette. I guess she was the butch in the bunch.
Butch In the Bunch. Coming this fall on Fox.
Another girl only talked to Lily and wouldn’t even look at me. I did not exist as far as she was concerned. More girls hit on Lily. She has lighter hair and bigger tits. That makes all the difference in the world to men, and apparently it matters to women as well. Lily is prettier than I am, by pretty much anyone’s definition, so I can understand why she was more popular. It didn’t matter anyway. None of them were going to get any slap and tickle from either of us.
Only one Asian girl hit on us. She seemed to like me more than Lily. Maybe Asians like darker hair. I don’t know.
Most of the girls on the beach didn’t hit on us at all. I think some of them could tell we were not lesbians. I’m sure some just weren’t interested. You could tell that some of them were couples, so they weren’t there to score.
Even though we were not part of their group, we had some interesting conversations and we both walked away with a few phone numbers, but not from the girls just looking to get laid. We mostly talked to those who looked us in the eye instead of somewhere lower. We made a few new friends by the time we left.
I’m glad we went to the beach that day. I wasn’t expecting so many people there, but they turned out to be pretty friendly and I was never as uncomfortable as I would’ve been if there had been a gaggle of men, or worse, one or two men. By the end of the day, I was relatively comfortable being naked around a group of girls. It was a good day to be naked. The sun was shining, it didn’t rain and the water was officially clean.
I think I’d be willing to go back again some time. I’d have to check some kind of event calendar. I don’t want to go when it’s a truck driver’s field trip day.
Nude Beach Day II Part 2
Nude Beach Day II Part 3
I don’t know much about lesbians and even less about discrimination and equality laws in Hong Kong. I know that discrimination against people who aren’t Chinese is legal, or at least widely accepted. I know that it was illegal to be a gay man in Hong Kong until just recently, but being lesbian was never illegal. Gay marriage is still illegal, and if you’re gay in Hong Kong, you probably don’t tell many people. I know a few guys who are probably gay, but they’ve never felt the need to confirm or deny anything, at least to me. I’ve never heard about any violence against the gay community. People in Hong Kong aren’t the violent type. Being gay is mostly frowned upon.
It probably takes a lot of balls to join a gay organization and march in parades. The lesbians at the beach were taking a big risk. Not only were they announcing that they were gay, but they were doing it at a nude beach, which is almost definitely illegal in Hong Kong. There was a mix of Chinese and white people. I assume most of them were foreigners. There was even a black girl. It must be exceptionally hard to be a black lesbian in Hong Kong. The average Chinese person points at me and stares because I don’t look or act Chinese. If you’re a black lesbian, you make me seem like a local.
Once we realized that we were in the middle of a lesbian field trip, I started to get offended by the girl who was hitting on Lily. How did she know we weren’t a couple? We were obviously there together and if she assumed we were lesbians, why not assume we were a couple? And why hit on just Lily and not me? Would Lily make a better lesbian life partner? Probably. But that girl had no way of knowing that.
Once we realized where we were, it was more obvious that a lot of the casual conversations we were having was flirting and girls hitting on us. We didn’t see it at first because it never crossed our minds. When a guy I don’t know comes up to me and starts small talk, I generally assume he’s hitting on me. It’s not ego. It’s just the law of averages. When a girl does it, I assume she’s just making small talk. I’ve always known I could be wrong about the guys. There might be one or two misfits out there who don’t want me. But now it turns out I was wrong about the girls.
One hairy girl came up to us and stood with one of her feet on a basket the way a guy would, trying to give us a clear view of her crotch, just the way a guy would. When I say she was hairy, I don’t just mean her big afro bush. It looked like a razor had never touched her skin. She looked down at us and said, “Yeah, smooth. Just the way I like it.” I didn’t say anything, but I thought if she likes it smooth, why not shell out a couple bucks and get a Gillette. I guess she was the butch in the bunch.
Butch In the Bunch. Coming this fall on Fox.
Another girl only talked to Lily and wouldn’t even look at me. I did not exist as far as she was concerned. More girls hit on Lily. She has lighter hair and bigger tits. That makes all the difference in the world to men, and apparently it matters to women as well. Lily is prettier than I am, by pretty much anyone’s definition, so I can understand why she was more popular. It didn’t matter anyway. None of them were going to get any slap and tickle from either of us.
Only one Asian girl hit on us. She seemed to like me more than Lily. Maybe Asians like darker hair. I don’t know.
Most of the girls on the beach didn’t hit on us at all. I think some of them could tell we were not lesbians. I’m sure some just weren’t interested. You could tell that some of them were couples, so they weren’t there to score.
Even though we were not part of their group, we had some interesting conversations and we both walked away with a few phone numbers, but not from the girls just looking to get laid. We mostly talked to those who looked us in the eye instead of somewhere lower. We made a few new friends by the time we left.
I’m glad we went to the beach that day. I wasn’t expecting so many people there, but they turned out to be pretty friendly and I was never as uncomfortable as I would’ve been if there had been a gaggle of men, or worse, one or two men. By the end of the day, I was relatively comfortable being naked around a group of girls. It was a good day to be naked. The sun was shining, it didn’t rain and the water was officially clean.
I think I’d be willing to go back again some time. I’d have to check some kind of event calendar. I don’t want to go when it’s a truck driver’s field trip day.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Nude Beach Day II part 3
Nude Beach Day II Part 1
Nude Beach Day II Part 2
We left early in the morning so we would have enough time to spend at the beach and still be back before the traffic got overly ridiculous. That was the plan anyway. It took us a lot longer to find the beach than we expected. Lantau Island is maybe 12 miles across, but we drove around it for hours. Eventually, we found a dirt parking lot that looked like the same dirt parking lot from the last time, at least as far as I could tell. Dirt parking lots off tiny rural roads generally look the same to me.
We walked our way to the shore and, as soon as we reached the beach, I could tell that we were at the right place. It was just as beautiful, and deserted, as I remembered. We found a nice spot to make camp and Lily got naked without hesitation. The weather was good and no one else was around, so I followed her after I took a few minutes to get comfortable.
When I told Ryan about everything, I may have exaggerated how much sunscreen we put on each other. We did each other’s backs, but I made it sound more arousing than it really was. I told him about slowly rubbing lotion on each other’s legs and stomachs before graduating to butts and breasts. Before I could get too carried away, I admitted that it might not have been all that exciting. He liked hearing about us oiling up our own tits nonetheless.
After maybe half an hour, we heard someone coming toward us. Two girls walked right up to where we were sitting. I casually covered myself, or I like to think I was casual about it, while Lily just stayed naked. I’m not sure what the nude beach etiquette is, but I thought they could have easily stayed away from us. There was plenty of room on the beach. I’m a friendly person and I can understand introducing yourself in other settings, but it seems like a nude beach is a place where you keep your distance. I could not have been more wrong about that.
The other girls both got naked right away. They were the opposite of shy. Right in the middle of small talk, they stripped off every stitch of their clothing in front of us. I didn’t want to be rude and move to another part of the beach, but it suddenly seemed awkward that I was the only person covering myself. Putting my clothes back on at that point would have only made it worse.
Pretty soon, another girl came up to us. She didn’t seem to know the first girls. She definitely didn’t know Lily & me, but she came right up to us just like the others had. She also got naked while introducing herself. I was still trying to get used to people getting naked right off the bat, but this was a nude beach and I suppose there’s no point in going there if you’re never going to get naked.
I was still wondering what to do about covering myself while everyone else was naked when Lily said that she wanted to try out the water. The water in Victoria Harbour is gross. You couldn’t pay me enough to swim in that. But the water looks pretty good around the outskirts of Lantau. Hong Kong rates the water quality at beaches and they’ll tell you if it’s bad that month or season or however they do it. When Lily & I went into the water, that took care of my embarrassment. You can’t tell how naked someone is in the ocean if you’re sitting on the beach.
While we were frolicking in the sea, as lithe pixies are wont to do, even more girls came onto the beach. The first time I ever went to a nude beach, possibly this same beach, Ryan & I encountered a grand total of zero other people. The second time, they were piling on like clowns from a Volkswagen. Every person who set foot on that beach was a girl, which undoubtedly made me less uncomfortable than if they had been guys. But it was still a lot more crowded. Some of the girls got in the water with us. Most of them stayed on the beach. Every single one of them got naked.
At least everyone wasn’t huddled around our stuff. As more girls arrived, there were more groups spread out around the beach. By the time we got out of the water, there were enough people on the beach, and all of them naked, that I wasn’t feeling so self-conscious about being naked myself. When everyone around you is naked, it’s not so out of the ordinary to be naked yourself. I think having clothes on in that situation would have made me feel more out of place than I did in just my wet skin.
When we walked out of the water and to our stuff, I expected every eye on that beach to stare at my wet body every step of the way. But they didn’t because they were all just as uncovered as I was, though not necessarily as wet. I wasn’t completely comfortable going full frontal in front of everyone, but it felt more natural the longer I did.
While we were sitting in the sun, a girl came up to us and asked Lily if she wanted to go somewhere more private. It took both of us a while to figure out that she was hitting on Lily. That was when we wondered why there were no guys on the beach. I was glad there were not, but still curious. Another girl told us that this was a field trip for an LGBT group in Hong Kong. Somehow, we found ourselves on a nude beach surrounded by lesbians.
It was only after I got home that I thought about how much Ryan would have loved this. A beach full of naked lesbians would be a jackpot fantasy for him. If only he realized how little he would be a fantasy for them.

Nude Beach Day II Part 2
We left early in the morning so we would have enough time to spend at the beach and still be back before the traffic got overly ridiculous. That was the plan anyway. It took us a lot longer to find the beach than we expected. Lantau Island is maybe 12 miles across, but we drove around it for hours. Eventually, we found a dirt parking lot that looked like the same dirt parking lot from the last time, at least as far as I could tell. Dirt parking lots off tiny rural roads generally look the same to me.
We walked our way to the shore and, as soon as we reached the beach, I could tell that we were at the right place. It was just as beautiful, and deserted, as I remembered. We found a nice spot to make camp and Lily got naked without hesitation. The weather was good and no one else was around, so I followed her after I took a few minutes to get comfortable.
When I told Ryan about everything, I may have exaggerated how much sunscreen we put on each other. We did each other’s backs, but I made it sound more arousing than it really was. I told him about slowly rubbing lotion on each other’s legs and stomachs before graduating to butts and breasts. Before I could get too carried away, I admitted that it might not have been all that exciting. He liked hearing about us oiling up our own tits nonetheless.
After maybe half an hour, we heard someone coming toward us. Two girls walked right up to where we were sitting. I casually covered myself, or I like to think I was casual about it, while Lily just stayed naked. I’m not sure what the nude beach etiquette is, but I thought they could have easily stayed away from us. There was plenty of room on the beach. I’m a friendly person and I can understand introducing yourself in other settings, but it seems like a nude beach is a place where you keep your distance. I could not have been more wrong about that.
The other girls both got naked right away. They were the opposite of shy. Right in the middle of small talk, they stripped off every stitch of their clothing in front of us. I didn’t want to be rude and move to another part of the beach, but it suddenly seemed awkward that I was the only person covering myself. Putting my clothes back on at that point would have only made it worse.
Pretty soon, another girl came up to us. She didn’t seem to know the first girls. She definitely didn’t know Lily & me, but she came right up to us just like the others had. She also got naked while introducing herself. I was still trying to get used to people getting naked right off the bat, but this was a nude beach and I suppose there’s no point in going there if you’re never going to get naked.
I was still wondering what to do about covering myself while everyone else was naked when Lily said that she wanted to try out the water. The water in Victoria Harbour is gross. You couldn’t pay me enough to swim in that. But the water looks pretty good around the outskirts of Lantau. Hong Kong rates the water quality at beaches and they’ll tell you if it’s bad that month or season or however they do it. When Lily & I went into the water, that took care of my embarrassment. You can’t tell how naked someone is in the ocean if you’re sitting on the beach.
While we were frolicking in the sea, as lithe pixies are wont to do, even more girls came onto the beach. The first time I ever went to a nude beach, possibly this same beach, Ryan & I encountered a grand total of zero other people. The second time, they were piling on like clowns from a Volkswagen. Every person who set foot on that beach was a girl, which undoubtedly made me less uncomfortable than if they had been guys. But it was still a lot more crowded. Some of the girls got in the water with us. Most of them stayed on the beach. Every single one of them got naked.
At least everyone wasn’t huddled around our stuff. As more girls arrived, there were more groups spread out around the beach. By the time we got out of the water, there were enough people on the beach, and all of them naked, that I wasn’t feeling so self-conscious about being naked myself. When everyone around you is naked, it’s not so out of the ordinary to be naked yourself. I think having clothes on in that situation would have made me feel more out of place than I did in just my wet skin.
When we walked out of the water and to our stuff, I expected every eye on that beach to stare at my wet body every step of the way. But they didn’t because they were all just as uncovered as I was, though not necessarily as wet. I wasn’t completely comfortable going full frontal in front of everyone, but it felt more natural the longer I did.
While we were sitting in the sun, a girl came up to us and asked Lily if she wanted to go somewhere more private. It took both of us a while to figure out that she was hitting on Lily. That was when we wondered why there were no guys on the beach. I was glad there were not, but still curious. Another girl told us that this was a field trip for an LGBT group in Hong Kong. Somehow, we found ourselves on a nude beach surrounded by lesbians.
It was only after I got home that I thought about how much Ryan would have loved this. A beach full of naked lesbians would be a jackpot fantasy for him. If only he realized how little he would be a fantasy for them.

Friday, October 12, 2012
Nude Beach Day II part 2
Nude Beach Day II Part 1
I really don’t like driving in Hong Kong. Whenever I tell people this, they assume it’s because they drive on the left side of the road and the steering wheel is on the right side of the car. But driving on the wrong side of the road is pretty easy to get used to. In the constant traffic of Hong Kong, you just follow everyone else. Driving from the wrong side of the car takes a minute to adapt. Instead of shifting gears with your right hand, you use your left hand, but the clutch is still on the left. So instead of clutch left foot and shift right hand, it’s clutch left foot and shift left hand. After a while, it feels completely normal.
What I don’t like about driving in Hong Kong are the traffic rules, which are as different from American traffic rules as the steering wheels. The first rule in the United States is to never hit anything. The second rule is to never let anything hit you. We’re naturally courteous people in Minnesota, so we let others go first even when we have the right of way. The first rule in Hong Kong seems to be everyone try to go first all the time. Right of way is a foreign concept, as is courtesy and common sense. When you hit someone, it is their fault. When they hit you, it is equally their fault, only moreso.
Hong Kong traffic is also much worse than Minneapolis traffic. I’ve driven Minneapolis to St Paul during rush hour. Minnesotans consider that a bad idea, which only makes me laugh now. That’s like a Sunday morning leisure drive compared to any day at any time in Hong Kong. Minnesota driving is relaxing, with lakes, natural beauty and more lakes. Hong Kong driving is frantic chaos. Imagine a room full of cats who have just snorted catnip and are chasing a room full of laboratory mice on cocaine while being chased by a room full of dogs wearing bark collars. Now put the room on a gyroscope and set all of the animals on fire. That would be peaceful compared to driving around here. You can’t even see any steel and concrete scenery because you have to watch out for all the people who are actively trying to crash into you.
The good thing about driving in Hong Kong is that if you go far enough, you will be out of the city sooner or later. Kowloon is an urban jungle, but it’s surrounded by mountains and parks. The New Territories are still more green than developed and Lantau Island is almost all nature, with small pockets of city.
Getting to Lantau Island is pretty easy. There are three or four bridges to Tsing Yi and only one bridge to Lantau. You can’t miss it. Once you’re on the island, it’s another story. The main street is designed to go to the airport and Disneyland. There are two smaller roads that cut through the island north and south and another that covers the south side. Beyond that, you have to take tiny rural routes, some less paved than others. The smaller the roads get, the fewer signs there are. Most of the streets in downtown Hong Kong have signs in Chinese and English, but when you get to the tiny roads on Lantau, even Chinese signs are hard to find.

I really don’t like driving in Hong Kong. Whenever I tell people this, they assume it’s because they drive on the left side of the road and the steering wheel is on the right side of the car. But driving on the wrong side of the road is pretty easy to get used to. In the constant traffic of Hong Kong, you just follow everyone else. Driving from the wrong side of the car takes a minute to adapt. Instead of shifting gears with your right hand, you use your left hand, but the clutch is still on the left. So instead of clutch left foot and shift right hand, it’s clutch left foot and shift left hand. After a while, it feels completely normal.
What I don’t like about driving in Hong Kong are the traffic rules, which are as different from American traffic rules as the steering wheels. The first rule in the United States is to never hit anything. The second rule is to never let anything hit you. We’re naturally courteous people in Minnesota, so we let others go first even when we have the right of way. The first rule in Hong Kong seems to be everyone try to go first all the time. Right of way is a foreign concept, as is courtesy and common sense. When you hit someone, it is their fault. When they hit you, it is equally their fault, only moreso.
Hong Kong traffic is also much worse than Minneapolis traffic. I’ve driven Minneapolis to St Paul during rush hour. Minnesotans consider that a bad idea, which only makes me laugh now. That’s like a Sunday morning leisure drive compared to any day at any time in Hong Kong. Minnesota driving is relaxing, with lakes, natural beauty and more lakes. Hong Kong driving is frantic chaos. Imagine a room full of cats who have just snorted catnip and are chasing a room full of laboratory mice on cocaine while being chased by a room full of dogs wearing bark collars. Now put the room on a gyroscope and set all of the animals on fire. That would be peaceful compared to driving around here. You can’t even see any steel and concrete scenery because you have to watch out for all the people who are actively trying to crash into you.
The good thing about driving in Hong Kong is that if you go far enough, you will be out of the city sooner or later. Kowloon is an urban jungle, but it’s surrounded by mountains and parks. The New Territories are still more green than developed and Lantau Island is almost all nature, with small pockets of city.
Getting to Lantau Island is pretty easy. There are three or four bridges to Tsing Yi and only one bridge to Lantau. You can’t miss it. Once you’re on the island, it’s another story. The main street is designed to go to the airport and Disneyland. There are two smaller roads that cut through the island north and south and another that covers the south side. Beyond that, you have to take tiny rural routes, some less paved than others. The smaller the roads get, the fewer signs there are. Most of the streets in downtown Hong Kong have signs in Chinese and English, but when you get to the tiny roads on Lantau, even Chinese signs are hard to find.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Nude Beach Day II part 1
Lily & Kevin wanted to go to that nude beach Ryan & I went to last year, but I couldn’t tell them where it was. I’m still not sure how we got there with all the twists and turns we took. I know it’s on the far end of Lantau Island, but that’s about it. So Kevin got directions from Ryan, but Ryan’s not really sure where it is either.
Summer is the rainy season in Hong Kong and this year it rained a lot. So they decided to wait for the typhoon season to end. Lily also has to work more in the summer.
By the time the weather got better and Lily had more time, they weren’t sure if Kevin could go or not. Usually when she works less, he works more. She wanted me to go with them, but I didn’t want to get naked in front of Kevin and I didn’t think she wanted him to get naked in front of me. She said she didn’t mind. He’s been in various states of naked in front of me before, but I could never really see anything. I’m sure everything would be in full view at a nude beach.
Eventually, she convinced me to go with them and I decided I’d just wear a bathing suit while they got as naked as they wanted. The odds at that point were 50/50 that Kevin would even be able to go. I thought if he didn’t go then maybe I might get naked. The ocean has probably missed me. Since it was completely empty when Ryan & I went, I naturally assumed it would be empty this time.
It turned out that Kevin could not go. We borrowed a car from a friend of a friend of Kevin’s. I had to drive because it was a stick shift and Lily can only drive automatic transmission. Chicks, am I right? I’m sure there’s a joke in there somewhere about me being able to handle a stick wile Lily can’t, but I bet Kevin would take her side.

Summer is the rainy season in Hong Kong and this year it rained a lot. So they decided to wait for the typhoon season to end. Lily also has to work more in the summer.
By the time the weather got better and Lily had more time, they weren’t sure if Kevin could go or not. Usually when she works less, he works more. She wanted me to go with them, but I didn’t want to get naked in front of Kevin and I didn’t think she wanted him to get naked in front of me. She said she didn’t mind. He’s been in various states of naked in front of me before, but I could never really see anything. I’m sure everything would be in full view at a nude beach.
Eventually, she convinced me to go with them and I decided I’d just wear a bathing suit while they got as naked as they wanted. The odds at that point were 50/50 that Kevin would even be able to go. I thought if he didn’t go then maybe I might get naked. The ocean has probably missed me. Since it was completely empty when Ryan & I went, I naturally assumed it would be empty this time.
It turned out that Kevin could not go. We borrowed a car from a friend of a friend of Kevin’s. I had to drive because it was a stick shift and Lily can only drive automatic transmission. Chicks, am I right? I’m sure there’s a joke in there somewhere about me being able to handle a stick wile Lily can’t, but I bet Kevin would take her side.

Sunday, October 7, 2012
Emperor Audition part 2
I got a callback at Emperor. Since it’s a very small part, I have to think getting a second audition is a good thing. They’re probably not going to spend too much time casting bit parts.
They told me the name of the movie, but it’s in Chinese, so I don’t really know what it is. The English title will probably be something completely different. Chinese titles and English titles never seem to have anything in common. Up in the Air is The Flightlog Sportsman in Chinese. Usually the Chinese title is more about the story than a translation of the English title. Juno is Teenage Pregnancy in Mind.
They told me the name of the movie, but it’s in Chinese, so I don’t really know what it is. The English title will probably be something completely different. Chinese titles and English titles never seem to have anything in common. Up in the Air is The Flightlog Sportsman in Chinese. Usually the Chinese title is more about the story than a translation of the English title. Juno is Teenage Pregnancy in Mind.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Clear Water Bay House part 4
We don’t have the big house anymore. The owners are back in Hong Kong and that means we’re back in my tiny apartment. We went from four large bedrooms to one tiny bedroom. We each had our own private bathroom. Now we’re sharing one tiny bathroom. We had a huge kitchen with everything you could need. Now we’re back to my tiny kitchen with no counter space and only enough room for one person at a time. Gone are the terrace with that gorgeous view of the ocean and outer islands, and that amazing swimming pool and hot tub. My apartment has a tiny balcony for laundry and a view of other apartments.
I really miss that house.
I really miss that house.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Moon Festival 2012
Sunday was the Moon Festival. Since it was on a Sunday, Monday was a public holiday. This made it the perfect day to have a party. Since we still have the big house at Clear Water Bay, we threw a big party. There were celebrations all over the city, but the big house is a great place to have a party.
The Moon Festival is all about red lanterns, moon cakes and barbecue. Some of our Chinese friends brought a few red lanterns and a lot of moon cakes. Kevin and a few other foreigners were responsible for the barbecue. We didn’t do it the Chinese way. I like Chinese food, but our style of barbecue is much better.
Moon cakes seem to mean a million different things to a million different people. They don’t mean anything to me since it’s not my culture. They’re basically tiny cakes or filled cookies, depending how you look at it and how they’re made. They come in a huge variety of styles and flavors. Most of the moon cakes we had at the party were boughten. Some were homemade. The homemade cakes were much better.
I don’t really understand the red lanterns, but they look nice and it looked pretty impressive when they were all lit up and sent into the sky. I don’t know whose job it is to clean up all the red lanterns when they make their way back down, but I bet they’re pretty busy right about now.
I’m sure they had fireworks at Victoria Harbour, but you can’t see anything from the house. I think our view was better anyway. We got to watch our red lanterns and some others from other people floating away over the ocean.
The Moon Festival is all about red lanterns, moon cakes and barbecue. Some of our Chinese friends brought a few red lanterns and a lot of moon cakes. Kevin and a few other foreigners were responsible for the barbecue. We didn’t do it the Chinese way. I like Chinese food, but our style of barbecue is much better.
Moon cakes seem to mean a million different things to a million different people. They don’t mean anything to me since it’s not my culture. They’re basically tiny cakes or filled cookies, depending how you look at it and how they’re made. They come in a huge variety of styles and flavors. Most of the moon cakes we had at the party were boughten. Some were homemade. The homemade cakes were much better.
I don’t really understand the red lanterns, but they look nice and it looked pretty impressive when they were all lit up and sent into the sky. I don’t know whose job it is to clean up all the red lanterns when they make their way back down, but I bet they’re pretty busy right about now.
I’m sure they had fireworks at Victoria Harbour, but you can’t see anything from the house. I think our view was better anyway. We got to watch our red lanterns and some others from other people floating away over the ocean.
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