It’s been a bit of an adjustment with three of us living in my tiny apartment. We all got used to the big house over the summer and all that extra space. There was enough room there for a dozen people. My apartment can comfortably house maybe one person, or more like half a person.
Sometimes Kevin stays at his apartment, so it’s not like there are always three people. Sometimes it’s just Lily & me. Sometimes it’s just me.
Yesterday I came home from work and went straight to the bathroom, because I really had to. The public bathrooms at the MTR stations aren’t the cleanest in the world and it can take a while to make it home. By the time I get off the MTR, I might as well wait until I’m home. If I can. The public options aren’t so great in my neighborhood.
When you walk in the front door to my tiny apartment, you have to turn past the bedroom and make another turn to enter the bathroom. There’s no clear line of sight from anywhere except right in front of the bathroom. Maybe that’s why I didn’t notice Kevin standing in front of the toilet until I was standing at the bathroom door. I don’t know why he had the door open. When you live with two other people, maybe close the bathroom door from time to time. I guess he got too used to all that privacy in the big house.
I know I should’ve walked away as soon as I saw him there, or at least closed the door, but for some reason I just stood there and stared at his dick. His clothes were blocking most of it, but I could see enough to know that it’s been entirely too long since I’ve seen one of those things. I pretty much ignored the fact that a yellow stream was coming out of him and just focused on his circumcised head.
I don’t doubt that I stared because I haven’t seen Ryan in person in what certainly has to be 87 years, but I still think it was beautiful. Not all dicks are created equal. Or equally. Both apply in this case. Some look far better than others. Kevin is blessed with a really nice looking dick. I doubt he would mind my saying so. I don’t think Lily knows how lucky she is.
I bet Kevin does, though.
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