Monday, October 15, 2012

Nude Beach Day II part 3

Nude Beach Day II Part 1
Nude Beach Day II Part 2

We left early in the morning so we would have enough time to spend at the beach and still be back before the traffic got overly ridiculous. That was the plan anyway. It took us a lot longer to find the beach than we expected. Lantau Island is maybe 12 miles across, but we drove around it for hours. Eventually, we found a dirt parking lot that looked like the same dirt parking lot from the last time, at least as far as I could tell. Dirt parking lots off tiny rural roads generally look the same to me.

We walked our way to the shore and, as soon as we reached the beach, I could tell that we were at the right place. It was just as beautiful, and deserted, as I remembered. We found a nice spot to make camp and Lily got naked without hesitation. The weather was good and no one else was around, so I followed her after I took a few minutes to get comfortable.

When I told Ryan about everything, I may have exaggerated how much sunscreen we put on each other. We did each other’s backs, but I made it sound more arousing than it really was. I told him about slowly rubbing lotion on each other’s legs and stomachs before graduating to butts and breasts. Before I could get too carried away, I admitted that it might not have been all that exciting. He liked hearing about us oiling up our own tits nonetheless.

After maybe half an hour, we heard someone coming toward us. Two girls walked right up to where we were sitting. I casually covered myself, or I like to think I was casual about it, while Lily just stayed naked. I’m not sure what the nude beach etiquette is, but I thought they could have easily stayed away from us. There was plenty of room on the beach. I’m a friendly person and I can understand introducing yourself in other settings, but it seems like a nude beach is a place where you keep your distance. I could not have been more wrong about that.

The other girls both got naked right away. They were the opposite of shy. Right in the middle of small talk, they stripped off every stitch of their clothing in front of us. I didn’t want to be rude and move to another part of the beach, but it suddenly seemed awkward that I was the only person covering myself. Putting my clothes back on at that point would have only made it worse.

Pretty soon, another girl came up to us. She didn’t seem to know the first girls. She definitely didn’t know Lily & me, but she came right up to us just like the others had. She also got naked while introducing herself. I was still trying to get used to people getting naked right off the bat, but this was a nude beach and I suppose there’s no point in going there if you’re never going to get naked.

I was still wondering what to do about covering myself while everyone else was naked when Lily said that she wanted to try out the water. The water in Victoria Harbour is gross. You couldn’t pay me enough to swim in that. But the water looks pretty good around the outskirts of Lantau. Hong Kong rates the water quality at beaches and they’ll tell you if it’s bad that month or season or however they do it. When Lily & I went into the water, that took care of my embarrassment. You can’t tell how naked someone is in the ocean if you’re sitting on the beach.

While we were frolicking in the sea, as lithe pixies are wont to do, even more girls came onto the beach. The first time I ever went to a nude beach, possibly this same beach, Ryan & I encountered a grand total of zero other people. The second time, they were piling on like clowns from a Volkswagen. Every person who set foot on that beach was a girl, which undoubtedly made me less uncomfortable than if they had been guys. But it was still a lot more crowded. Some of the girls got in the water with us. Most of them stayed on the beach. Every single one of them got naked.

At least everyone wasn’t huddled around our stuff. As more girls arrived, there were more groups spread out around the beach. By the time we got out of the water, there were enough people on the beach, and all of them naked, that I wasn’t feeling so self-conscious about being naked myself. When everyone around you is naked, it’s not so out of the ordinary to be naked yourself. I think having clothes on in that situation would have made me feel more out of place than I did in just my wet skin.

When we walked out of the water and to our stuff, I expected every eye on that beach to stare at my wet body every step of the way. But they didn’t because they were all just as uncovered as I was, though not necessarily as wet. I wasn’t completely comfortable going full frontal in front of everyone, but it felt more natural the longer I did.

While we were sitting in the sun, a girl came up to us and asked Lily if she wanted to go somewhere more private. It took both of us a while to figure out that she was hitting on Lily. That was when we wondered why there were no guys on the beach. I was glad there were not, but still curious. Another girl told us that this was a field trip for an LGBT group in Hong Kong. Somehow, we found ourselves on a nude beach surrounded by lesbians.

It was only after I got home that I thought about how much Ryan would have loved this. A beach full of naked lesbians would be a jackpot fantasy for him. If only he realized how little he would be a fantasy for them.

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