Sometimes I think three people are too many in a tiny Hong Kong apartment. I love Lily to death and Kevin platonically, but sometimes, not often, I want them to leave. I don’t want to live alone, but I want some personal space and privacy from time to time.
Kevin came into the bathroom to pee while I was taking a shower twice already. We’ve had other bathroom issues. I’ve walked in on him and he’s walked in on me. Fortunately, when I’m on the toilet, all you can see is me sitting down. There’s nothing exciting about it. My legs hold no big secrets. When he’s standing in front of the toilet, you can see plenty. And I mean plenty.
We have a simple rule about the bathroom door. When it’s closed, don’t come in. The door doesn’t lock. It’s designed to, but the lock is broken. I’ve tried to get the manager to fix it. Lily & Kevin have tried to get the manager to fix it. We don’t know how to fix it ourselves.
Kevin has a hard time with this door rule. While he was growing up, everyone left the bathroom door open. I guess they just walked in on each other all the time. That’s not the way I grew up at all. I’m not used to people walking in on me when I’m in the bathroom. I had a hard enough time when Ryan used to do it, and now I’m dealing with Kevin. I don’t know why guys can’t understand what a closed door is. And it’s not only roommates. There are a few unisex public restrooms spread around Hong Kong that only hold one person at a time, usually in smaller restaurants. Fortunately, all of those doors lock. Any time I have ever been in one and someone pounded on the door, confused as to why it was locked, it was always a man. For whatever reason, I’ve never come across a woman who does not understand why the door is locked. Most men probably do, but some can’t seem to grasp the concept. The door is locked. What do you think that means?
My tiny apartment has a tiny bathroom. There’s no room for more than one person even if I wanted more people in there with me. The shower is right next to the toilet. There’s just a curtain separating them. If you’re one of those people with a penis, you could urinate from the shower without missing the toilet. I’ve seen Ryan do it. That was only after I complained about him peeing in the shower. Ironically, he could aim without missing from the shower, but standing directly in front of the toilet was always hit and miss. On the other side of the toilet is the sink. That’s it. This is not a five star apartment.
Technically, you can fit another person if one is in the shower, but the shower curtain doesn’t hide nearly enough for my taste. We had a darker one, but it was too dark and got moldy after only a couple of weeks. You can’t really see through the current one, but you can tell if someone’s naked. It’s more translucent than transparent. I would prefer opaque. I suppose it’s always obvious that someone’s naked when they’re taking a shower, but that doesn’t mean I want an audience.
You can also hear the water running throughout the apartment whenever someone’s taking a shower, so that should tell them not to come in. Maybe guys can’t figure that part out.
The first time Kevin walked in on my shower, he said he really had to go and if I didn’t let him in, he would have to use the kitchen sink. I don’t want him peeing two feet away from me taking a shower, but I don’t want him peeing in the kitchen sink either. I quickly wrapped a towel around myself and waited in the bedroom while he did what he had to do. It was the opposite of convenient.
The second time, I had shampoo in my hair and couldn’t leave fast enough for him. I don’t know why he has the bladder of an 80-year-old woman. When I rinsed my hair, I could see his dick through the curtain. It was blurry, but anyone could easily tell what it was. I guess he could see that I was looking because he said that I’ve already seen it and I’m welcome to watch him pee any time. I told him that I should tell Lily and he said she got that invitation a long time ago. I don’t know what it is with guys wanting people to watch them pee. I’ve never known any girl anywhere in the world who wanted to be watched on the toilet.
You can spray urine out of your penis. Congratulations. That’s nothing amazing. Let me know when diamonds come out of there.
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