Saturday, May 14, 2016

Jerusalem Hotel 2200

I met most of the cast today. We had a quick table read and then everyone left to get ready for their big Shabbat dinner. Most of the dialogue is in Hebrew, so I could not understand a word of it, but it felt like I was in a room with some really good actors.

I had Shabbat dinner with a local family. They graciously invited me into their home to share their holiday. I learned a lot about their customs. Now instead of knowing almost nothing, I know slightly more than nothing. It was an amazing experience. And the food was outstanding. Easily the best meal I have had in Jerusalem so far.

Shabbat is the day of rest, but it is a lot more than that. It is a spiritual holiday and one of the Ten Commandments. I went to a family synagogue where I watched a surprisingly short service, all in Hebrew. It was all Greek to me, but they could not have been friendlier.

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